Authorities in Vietnam and Cambodia enforce severe restrictions upon committed Christians and congregations. Yet the country's are teeming with Spirit-filled believers and thriving church planting movements that are reaching thousands for Christ.
Vietnam is a long and narrow country located on the eastern edge of the Indochinese Peninsula. China lies to the north with Laos and Cambodia to the west. The country enjoys over 2,000 miles of coastline. China has repeatedly invaded North Vietnam despite its shared culture and working relationship. After the Vietnam war ended in 1975, the country was fractured and full of resentment and pain. The communist government lessened its iron grip in the 1980s, and the country partially recuperated by welcoming foreign investors.
The Vietnamese people live under a communist government that has sometimes placed harsh restrictions and varying levels of persecution upon the national church and believers in the country. The Gospel continues to spread and change lives despite ongoing pressure from the authorities. In 1975, at the end of the Vietnam war, there were an estimated 100,000 firm believers in the country. Today, this number has grown to over 2 million.
- Official Name
- Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- Form Of Government
- Socialist Republic
- Population
- 99,096,179 (2023)
- Captial
- Hanoi
- Official Language
- Vietnamese
- Religions
- Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestant, Folk Religions
Empower’s Response in Vietnam/Cambodia
Bibles and Printed Training Material
There are 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam with a wide variety of languages and dialects. For this reason, it is necessary to provide the bourgeoning church with a variety of Bibles, New Testaments, and gospels in multiple languages. Empower is committed to this task of providing new believers, honest seekers, and those who have been searching for the Word of God in Vietnam with a wide assortment of Scripture, as well as biblical training material which is used to educate pastors in training and local elders.
Give to Bibles and MaterialsPastoral/Church Planter Support
Empower Ministry’s partnership is invaluable to the indigenous Christians working so diligently to reach their country for Christ. Short-term assistance is provided to launch dedicated church planters and young pastors into ministry. This takes the form of assisting the pastor and family with housing, clothing, food, and transportation money. Support continues until pastors have established congregations that can take on the responsibility of providing for their needs which takes a maximum of two years.
Give to Pastoral/Church Planter SupportChildren's/Teen Ministry
Our assistance enables the national Church to lead men’s, women’s, and youth ministries. Each summer, Empower helps with their daily Vacation Bible Schools held in various regions that reach thousands of children. This incredibly effective ministry is reaching a new generation with the Gospel.
Give to Children's/Teen MinistryPastoral/Bible Training
Empower provides funds to train and spiritually equip pastors and church planters for ministry in urban and rural settings. This training can take place in established Bible School settings in cities with 100 to 200 attending all the way to smaller gatherings of 10 to 30 students in thatch-roofed churches in the jungle. Training varies from periodic weekend conferences for lay pastors and elders to four-year recognized degrees for some pastors and church planters.
Support Pastoral/Bible TrainingTransportation
Motorcycles are a vital tool for church planters who travel extensively up and down the country. The rugged terrain can be a deterrent for spreading the Gospel, but a small motorcycle dramatically increases a worker’s effectiveness by allowing them to go farther and faster in their quest to plant new churches.
Give to TransportationOther Countries We Work In
Empower Ministries operates all over the world — from Canada to Burma, from Israel to India, and beyond. We believe there has never been a better time to equip people to share the Gospel.